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JR Watkins Catalog




Problems viewing or printing? Try saving the file to your computer first: Right-click the link above for the document you want, then choose "Save File As", "Save Target As", or "Save Link As" from the small menu that pops up. This will let you save the file to your Desktop or other location on your computer where you can find it easily later. Close or minimize your Internet window. Find the PDF file where you saved it, and open it. It should open and print fine. If this suggestion doesn't work, get a friend, neighbor, or local print shop to help you—ask them to visit timelessintegrity.com/prices and print the materials you want.
* Notes: 1) Insect Repellents are only available in Canada. 2) The Master Catalog is published twice yearly and shows regular suggested retail prices (see the other documents above for this month's sale prices). This online version of the Master Catalog is not formatted for printing, but you can still use it to plan your order and see descriptions/photos of the full product line.